Mr Stephen Barker MB BS BSc MS FRCS Senior Lecturer in Surgery, University College London and Consultant Vascular and Hernia Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust.
Mr Stephen Barker was appointed to University College London as Senior Lecturer and Consultant Surgeon in 1996. He graduated in medicine from St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School, London and thereafter, undertook training in general and vascular surgery (as a student of two Presidents of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and three of the Sergeant Surgeons to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II) again at St Thomas’ Hospital and later at King's College Hospital, London and the Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia.
He developed vascular interests in aortic surgery, femoro-distal reconstruction (especially in diabetes), re-operative arterial surgery, vascular trauma and complex renal access, but simultaneously developed a particular interest in Ambulatory (Day) Surgery.
At The University Hernia Clinic, he specialises in hernia repair (pioneering the ‘mesh plug’ technique) and varicose vein surgery. He has published one of the first randomised controlled trials of the 'mesh plug' repair, and has organised many nursing and surgeon study days.
Dr Elizabeth M C Ashley MB ChB BSc FRCA Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr 'Liz' Ashley was appointed to her second Consultant Anaesthetist post at UCLH in August 2001. She had previously held a Consultant post at King’s College Hospital, London,
since 1998.
Dr Ashley qualified from Birmingham University Medical School in 1989, after completing an intercalated degree in medical biochemistry. She undertook anaesthetic and intensive care training in Birmingham, Australia, UCH, St George’s Hospital, The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Her areas of special interest include cardiothoracic anaesthesia, especially off-bypass surgery, paediatric anaesthesia and the management of acute post-operative pain.
Sarah Chieveley-Williams MB BS MRCP FRCA Consultant Anaesthetist
Sarah Chieveley-Williams studied medicine at St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical School in London, finishing her studies in 1989. Following this, she studied general internal medicine and anaesthesia at the Royal London Hospitals NHS Trust and at The Middlesex Hospital, London, becoming a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists in 1996.
Currently, she works as a Consultant Anaesthetist at University College Hospital, London, where her special interests are in regional anaesthesia, vascular anaesthesia and
peri-operative care of the high risk surgical patient.
Dr John Goldstone MB BS MD FRCA Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr John Goldstone is a Consultant Anaesthetist and was appointed in 1991 to University College London Hospitals. Dr Goldstone began his training in anaesthesia at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and then worked at King's College Hospital, London. He completed his MD thesis working in the Respiratory Muscle Laboratory of King's and the Brompton Hospitals, and then became a Senior Registrar at UCH.
Dr Goldstone has had an active research interest in weaning from mechanical ventilation, depth of consciousness monitoring and the measurement of the work of breathing. He has spent four years promoting anaesthesia by chairing the National Anaesthesia Day Committee, at the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
Dr Andrew J Hartle MB ChB FRCA Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Andrew Hartle graduated from the University of Leeds in 1987. He had joined the Royal Air Force as a medical student and in 1989 began training in Anaesthesia, serving at RAF Hospitals in the UK, Germany and Cyprus. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists in 1996. He left the RAF the following year and completed his training at St Mary’s. Before his appointment as a Consultant in 2001, he spent 18 months at Duke University Medical Center in the USA, where he specialised in obstetric and regional anaesthesia.
His principal interests are regional anaesthesia techniques for obstetrics, orthopaedics and general surgery (including hernias) and intensive care medicine.
Dr Eoin Sherry MB DCH FRCA
Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Eoin Sherry MB DCH FRCA is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Guy's Hospital, London, where he specialises in anaesthesia for heart surgery. He qualified from the University College Dublin in 1982 and received his anaesthetic training in Bristol and London. Appointed to Guy's Hospital in 1994, his interests are anaesthesia for the high-risk patient and the rapid return to fitness after anaesthesia.
Jill Bailey RN FETC Surgical Nurse Practitioner
Jill qualified as a registered nurse in Shropshire over thirty years. With a career spanning 25 years specialising in Operating Theatres, she has been a Theatre Manager in the Private and NHS sectors for eleven years. She has qualifications in Management and Specialist Practice, one of which has been the qualification of ‘First Assistant to the Surgeon at Greenwich University’.
Having now left the health service, Jill now works as an Independent Consultant in Operating Theatres as a Nurse specialist for the Hernia Clinic and First Assistant for two surgeons.
‘I enjoy my role as on call Nurse Advisor to the Hernia Clinic as it keeps me near to the patient, which is the reason why I trained to be a nurse all those years ago.’