Closure of the Hospital for refurbishment
We all have some conflicting emotions at the Hospital at the moment. On the one hand, we are delighted the Trustees have given the go-ahead for the redevelopment of St Luke's to take place. Yet on the other hand, it will mean that the Hospital will be closed for nine months and the dedicated nursing and housekeeping staff we rely on so much, will be leaving us.
The last date for operations at St Luke's will be May 12th 2006
While we are closed we will still be able to look after the health interests of clergy, their spouses and dependent children, ordinands, Church Army Officers and monks and nuns of the Church of England. Included in these are our valiant retired clergy. Our Honorary Consultants (200 of the countries leading clinicians - where would we be without them!) will continue to provide support in the form of consultations, though these will be at their rooms. If treatment is needed, this will have to be in local NHS facilities. Our psychiatric service will be unaffected.
An improved service will be available from February 2007
We remain very concerned about the support we give to overseas clergy, which over the last three years has grown significantly. If they need treatment, we are unable to rely on free support from the NHS and will have to pay for this ourselves. It is therefore crucial for them, if for no other reason, that the support we have come to rely on from parishes continues during the closure.