John Cherry: The number of Friends are increasing and may I welcome all those who have joined since the last newsletter. Many of you have become "life friends" and this is most pleasing. To all of you who have become "members" can I please ask you to renew your membership or think about becoming a "life member". Just click on 'here' in the Membership Application on this page. Fundraising is not everybody's cup of tea but anything you can do will help. If you need any fundraising advice or literature please ring me at the hospital. A big thank you for all you do.
Ann Hales: In the 1970's, not a specific year to keep my age secret!, I was an agency nurse to St. Luke's. I arrived in the cage lift to the 3rd floor and was greeted by a nurse carrying a large steaming kettle in each hand, in her mouth was a cigarette with the longest ash I had ever seen hanging from it. We are now in the era of risk assessment and volumes of paperwork, especially as we are now controlled by the government commission "The National Care Standards Committee". We have recently increased the number of consultants both honorary and private. The ladies committee, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Claire Lawson is still doing sterling work and recently provided the money for some new theatre instruments.
We have made over 30 appointments around England but if you know any person who would be interested in this task please contact St Luke's by phone or e-mail. These represntatives have replaced the Deanery representatives.
If not and you would like to visit us you would be most welcome. It is essential that you telephone the hospital first. We run on a small administrative staff and would like a member of staff to be available to welcome you.