History of St Luke's
What We Provide
Friends of St Luke's


Please help those who care for others

Clergy, nuns, monks and missionaries spend their lives offering comfort to others. They and their families are always there for us when we need them. So it's easy to forget that the clergy themselves are not immune to illness. At times, it can all become too much.

It costs us £4000 each day to run the hospital helping over 2000 families. Yet we are funded entirely by voluntary contributions. If you received comfort from the ministry of the church, please give something back. We are grateful for any donations, large or small, regular or irregular. Every £1 you give helps towards an operation.

How can you help

You can apply for a St. Luke's Credit Card , make a Donation , bequeath a Legacy or pay on-line with your Charity Card.

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Archbishop Rowan Williams, President of St. Luke's

"For a hundred years and a hundred thousand clergy and lay workers, St Luke's has been a lifeline. It allows patients to recover physically and spiritually in a restful, prayerful atmosphere. Please give generously. "

John Suchet whose father was Chairman of St. Luke's Medical Staff Committee

"One hundred and fifty consultants give their spare time to St. Luke's entirely free of charge. Will you make your contribution?"