History of St Luke's
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History of St. Luke's

History of St. Luke's founded 1892

Although it is well known that both St. Luke's Hospital and the College of St. Barnabas owe their existence to the work and vision of Canon Henry Cooper , little is known about the man himself.

In 1892, Cooper together with his second wife began the great task which was to occupy them for the next eight years, the creation of St. Luke's Hostel in London and the Home of St. Barnabas (later the College of St. Barnabas ) near Lingfield in Surrey .

The Hostel of St. Luke's was set up in Beaumont Street with the house accommodating seven patients. Two years later the Hostel moved to larger premises at 16 Nottingham Place . In 1904 two houses were acquired in Fitzroy Square and after one house had been rebuilt it was opened by Queen Alexandra. The second house was then rebuilt; it was opened in 1923 by Queen Mary.

In 1957 Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother visited the Hospital. The Princess Alexandra came to the Hospital in 1977 for its seventieth anniversary in Fitzroy Square . Her Royal Highness revisited St. Luke's in 1992 to share in its centennial celebrations.

1994 saw the start of a major refurbishment and redevelopment. This was completed in 1995 and on the 17th January the Archbishop of Canterbury rededicated the Hospital. On the 8th March Her majesty the Queen accompanied by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh re-opened the completed Hospital.

Today St. Luke's is one of the best equipped and most up-to-date acute hospitals in London . The Hospital gives free treatment to Anglican clergy, active and retired, widows and widowers, and their spouses and children, as well as Church Army officers, members of recognised monastic or conventual orders, active and retired overseas missionaries, licensed theological students and their families and licensed lay workers.

Through its 220 Honorary Consultants, all of whom give their services without charge, the Hospital is able to offer treatment over a wide range of conditions and at a number of associated hospitals throughout the UK .

The Hospital is funded by voluntary Donations but also takes Private Patients to offset the £4000 per day running costs.