History of St Luke's
What We Provide
Friends of St Luke's


Menopause Clinic

This clinic will be specifically helpful to those who have reached the menopause and are anxious to maintain the quality of life and to prevent associated problems.

There are full facilities for detailed investigations including bone densitometry and mammography.

The Clinic specialises in giving a sympathetic hearing to its patients. It will be open to clergy and private patients Thursday afternoons.

If you think we can help, please ring us.
Appointments and enquiries may be made by telephoning the Clinic on .

Anne Riches is a Founder Member of the British Menopause Society and an established expert in the treatment of symptoms of the change of life. Michael Pugh founded the menopause clinic at The Hospital for Women, Soho Square and is a noted Consultant gynaecologist.






Under the direction of

Dr Anne Riches MB., BS., and

Mr Michael Pugh AE , FRCS, FRCOG

14 Fitzroy Square
London W1T 6AH